Full Moon Gift Package

A wide variety of packages

 Brilliant Light       RM 12.80
                                                                                Glutinous rice with chicken and mushroom
1 Cupcake 
2 Ang Ku
2 Auspicious Red Eggs

Starlight          RM 13.80

Signature Curry Chicken
Nasi Kunyit
2 Ang Ku
2 Auspicious Red Eggs

* 2 pcs of chicken and 1 pc of potato

Bright Star        RM 14.80

2 Pieces of Ang Ku
2 Auspicious Red Eggs
4 Cupcakes 

Choice of cupcakas 
- Carrot cupcake
- Chocolate cupcake 
- Banana cupcake
- Vanilla Cupcake